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policies, procedures and guidelines






  1. Philosophy of the Kid’s Ministry..................................................... 3

  ..... Purpose........................................................................................ 3

  ..... Objective...................................................................................... 3

  1. Policies.......................................................................................... 4

         Wellness…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

         Injury & First Aid........................................................................... 4

         Safety & Security.......................................................................... 5

         Restroom & Diapering .................................................................. 6

         Fire in Children’s & Evacuation...................................................... 6

         Severe Weather and Shelter Plan................................................... 7

  1. Curriculum................................................................................... 7

  2. Parental Responsibility.................................................................. 8

  ..... Alerts & Requests......................................................................... 8

  ..... Regular Attenders & Returning Guest............................................ 8

   .... First Time Visitors......................................................................... 8

  1. Volunteer Procedures & Responsibilities........................................ 9

  ..... Requirements to Serve.................................................................. 9

  ..... Volunteer Responsibilities............................................................. 9

  ..... Arrival & Set-up.......................................................................... 10

  ..... Class Time.................................................................................. 10

....... Check-out/Departure Procedures................................................ 10

....... Snacks........................................................................................ 10

VI.     Discipline and Classroom Management........................................ 11

....... Classroom Rules.......................................................................... 11

....... Playground Rules........................................................................ 11

....... Preventative Actions................................................................... 11

....... Corrective Actions....................................................................... 11

....... Aggressive Behavior.................................................................... 11

Volunteer Acknowledgement Form..................................................... 12




  1. Philosophy of the Kid’s  Ministry


The Kid’s Ministry at Oak View Baptist Church exists to provide a loving, nurturing, and safe environment in which to teach our children the importance of a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.



To partner with parents, family members and the church body in instilling a deep-seated desire in Kids to:


  1. Love Christ

  2. Live for Christ

  3. Lead others to Christ






WORSHIP. Dynamic, life-changing worship and relevant Bible teaching each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.


CONNECT. LifeGroups, HomeGroups and Bible Studies provide community, stimulate spiritual growth, and offer encouragement in daily life.


SERVE. Opportunities to use God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to serve and support the ministries of the church.


GIVE. Abilities to support the ministries of the church through tithes and offering.


GO. Sharing Christ's love in our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our city, and our world.




Kids Ministry doors opens 15 minutes before all scheduled activities.



II.   Policies


Children must be symptom free from the following (without medication) for at least 24 hours before entering the classroom:

  1. Fever of 100° or higher

  2. Vomiting or diarrhea

  3. Conjunctivitis (Pink eye or other infection)

  4. Rash

  5. Nasal drainage which is green or yellow

  6. Sore throat

  7. Open sores

  8. Cold

  9. Excessive coughing

  10. Lice

If a child develops any of these symptoms while checked in, the parent will be notified and the child will come to get you for pick-up.


An allergy alert will be printed on the security tag of any child who has been identified as having allergies.

Parents of children with severe allergies requiring the possible use of an EpiPen should advise the desk attendant at the time of each check-in. EpiPens must be supplied by the parents of the affected child.

Injury & First Aid

We can administer ONLY band-aids and ice packs


  1. If a child is injured while in the care of the kid’s ministry, the leader will immediately notify the Kid’s Minister. The Kid’s Minister will be responsible for advising the child’s parent. All injuries must be reported no matter how minor they may seem. The teacher must complete an Ouch Report (located at the check-in desk) as soon as possible.


Safety & Security

It is of utmost importance that our children be taught and nurtured in a responsible and safe environment. We also desire that our leaders be protected from any false allegations of misconduct.

  1. Each applicant desiring to serve in our Kid’s Ministry is required to complete an application process, which includes a personal discussion with the Kid’s Minister, attend Leadership Training, and a criminal background check. In some cases, leaders will be required to complete a Child Abuse Protection Training Course as well.

  2. Each volunteer in our ministry is required to read and abide by the policies and procedures outlined in this manual.

  3. Each volunteer is required to undergo a “shadowing” (familiarization) process with a seasoned volunteer before assuming classroom responsibilities.

  4. Become Familiar with the check-in and pick-up procedure outlined in the parent responsibility section of this manual.

  5. There is a “two adult” rule that is in place for all classrooms. There must be two adults present while children are present. This is to protect the children from possible abuse and the leaders from false accusations. If a situation arises where only one adult is present, an unobstructed view of the entire classroom must be maintained.

  6. In the event that there is a need for last minute volunteers (who have not been screened according to policy), the individuals responding will be cleared for temporary duty by either the Kid’s Minister or another Pastor on staff and placed with an experienced leader who has been cleared for service. Individuals on the backup volunteer list will be utilized first.


Restroom & Diapering

Volunteers should help a child use the restroom only if the child is three (3) years or younger, if a disability dictates help, or a situation requiring help arises. If a leader must enter the restroom, the door should leave the outer door of the restroom open.




  1. If a child needs assistance, two adults much be present or the door should be left open.

  2. For children in the Kids Building a Male Leader should assist in the Boys Restroom and a Female Leader should assist in the Girls Restroom.

  3. If an adult needs to use the restroom please make sure there are no children in the restroom and notify another leader that you have left.



  1. Only cleared leaders, staff members, or the child’s parents are permitted to change diapers.

  2. Leaders must wear disposable gloves while changing diapers and must wear new gloves with each change. Leaders must dispose of diapers properly. Leaders must disinfect the changing area after each diaper change.

  3. All diapers should be checked and changed (if necessary) before pick-up.

  4. Leaders are to wash their hands after each diaper change.

  5. Leaders are expected to pay close attention to any child on the changing table. The changing area (diapers and supplies) should be prepared in advance. Individuals changing diapers should never look away, walk away from the table, or bend down for a diaper while a child is on the table.


Fire and Evacuation

If a fire alarm sounds (or an evacuation is ordered), Teachers are asked to follow the evacuation route. Parents flooding the area will cause considerable congestion and prevent the children from being safely evacuated from the building. Children and parents will be re-united as soon as safely possible.


  1. All Leaders and staff have been thoroughly briefed and are aware of the plan to follow in case of emergency.

  2. Children and Teachers will exit their room and follow the evacuation routes for their classroom.

  3. One Teacher will lead the Children out of the building according to their route to make their way to the parking lot on the North side of the church. The other teacher will be at the end of the line to make sure all children are out of the building.

  4. Count your children as soon as you are out of the building to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.

  5. Once you reach the parking lot line up the children and the Kid’s Minister will come verify all children that are checked in are accounted for before they are released to their parents.

  6. Do not release a child to anyone other than the matching parent with the security tag.

  7. When the “all clear” is sounded, it is safe to re-enter the building.


Severe Weather & Shelter Plan

In case of severe weather, the in-place shelter will be the BEC Hallway for kids in the children’s building , and the Office Hallway for kids in the preschool building.  

If it becomes necessary to evacuate our church building, this is the procedure to follow:


  1. All Children will exit through the Back Door of Children’s into the BEC Hallway. Take the children to the BEC Hallway as quickly as possible. Count your children as soon as you are in the hallway. The Kid’s Minister will verify the children that have been checked in are accounted for. Do not release a child to anyone other than the matching parent security tag.

  2. All Preschoolers will exit through the Preschool Registration Area to the Commons and down the Office Hallway. Take the children to the Office Hallway as quickly as possible. Count your children as soon as you are in the hallway. The Kid’s Minister will verify the children that have been checked in are accounted for. Do not release a child to anyone other than the matching parent security tag.

  3. Keep your class in a line sitting against the wall and as quiet as possible. Do not allow them to play or move around. Make sure you collect the tag from each parent as they pick their child up.

  4. When the “all clear” is sounded, it is safe to re-enter the  Children and Preschool Area.



IV.   Curriculum


At Oak View the Preschool and Children’s Department is using the Gospel Project. The Gospel Project is a Lifeway Product. It is a Christ Centered Chronological approach to the Bible. Our curriculum is designed to give children a strong Biblical Foundation they can rely on throughout their lives.


IV.  Parental Responsibility

For the safety and well-being of your child, we implore you to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in this manual.

Doors open 15 minutes before all scheduled activities.


Alerts & Requests

  1. If your child has any allergies, special needs, or conditions, please note them at check-in to ensure that your child’s teacher is aware.

  2. It is often beneficial for the parents to expedite the check-in process. This lessens separation anxiety and helps your child adjust to the classroom.

  3. To eliminate confusion and crowding in the classrooms and halls, we ask that you refrain from entering the classroom after you check-in your child.



Regular Attenders & Returning Guest

1.Regular attenders will proceed to the Kiosk to check in their child.

  1. Security tags bearing your child’s name and special conditions information (e.g. allergy alert) will be printed at check-in. An accompanying parent tag will also be issued.

  2. Your child’s security tag will be placed on his/her back and a parent will escort your child to the classroom as directed.



First Time Visitors

First time visitor security tags can be obtained from the check-in desk before you escort your child to the large group room or classroom.

  1. We will have Parents/Guardians fill out a form with pertinent information.

  2. You will receive a parent tag which you must present to retrieve your child at checkout time.



Volunteer Procedures & Responsibilities

Requirements to Serve

  1. Each applicant desiring to serve in our Kid’s Ministry is required to complete an application process, which includes a personal discussion with the Kid’s Minister, attend Leadership Training, and a criminal background check. In some cases, leaders will be required to complete a Child Abuse Protection Training Course as well.

  2. Each volunteer must be an adult member of the church for 6 months or more and be at least 18 years of age for volunteer Lead Teacher positions and 13 years of age for volunteer Teacher Assistant positions. Youth Assistants will serve only with approval from the Student Minister and Kid’s Minister and only when there is no conflicting youth service or event.

  3. Volunteers are expected to be believers and lead a Biblical Lifestyle.     

  4. Volunteers will make themselves available to training opportunities.

  5. Volunteers are asked to make a service commitment of at least 1 year.


Volunteer Responsibilities

  1. Provide a safe and loving environment for every child.

  2. Arrive in your assigned room 15 minutes prior to start of event.

  3. Prepare and use teaching activities according to the literature provided by the church.

  4. Oversee the teaching and care given to the children in the room in which you are assigned.

  5. Make sure the parents or guardians have checked their child into the computer system.

  6. Children are to be picked up by someone with a matching security tag provided.

  7. If a child is hurt while in your care alert the Kid’s Minister and complete an ouch report. After completing, give to the Kid’s Minister and a copy to the Parent/Guardian.

  8. Leave the room clean and prepared for the next session.

  9. You must be free of contagious illness; and be wearing a nametag.

  10. Oak View Baptist Church will maintain a drug free and harassment free environment.

  11. Personal belongings should be kept off the floor and out of reach of children.

  12. Volunteers are asked to keep their cell phones on vibrate and refrain from use unless it is an emergency.

  13. Special treats or activities involving food outside the scheduled curriculum must be approved by the Kid’s Minister.

  14. Volunteers will refrain from engaging in any conduct, activity (including the posting of questionable or inappropriate messages or material via internet social media), or associations that may reflect negatively or bring discredit upon myself, my position as a leader, and/or Oak View Baptist Church.

  15. Volunteers will refrain from posting pictures of Children on any social media. Pictures may only be posted on an OVBC social media page by a page administrator.

  16. In the event of an emergency causing the volunteer to be late or absent, it is imperative the volunteer notify the Kid’s Minister as soon as possible.



Arrival & Set-up

  1. Arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before the service begins (or sooner if you need additional preparation time). PLEASE BE ON TIME! Keep in mind that tardiness is often contagious and adversely affects everyone.

  2. Upon arrival check-in at the Kiosk and pick up your name tag.

  3. Set out any materials needed for class.

Class Time

  1. No one is allowed in your classroom unless they are wearing an approved nametag/or has a security tag.

  2. One volunteer should welcome the children while the other volunteer engages/entertains the children.

  3. Take note of any children wearing security tags reflecting an allergy alert.

  4. Volunteers are encouraged to interact and build relationships with the children.

  5. Volunteers and children will remain in the classroom at all times.

  6. Enjoy the children and the opportunity to minister to them.

Check-out/Departure Procedures

  1. When a parent arrives, ask for the child’s security tag before releasing the child.

  2. When all of the children have been dismissed, straighten up the room.

  3. Once your room has been cleaned you may leave.


  1. Snacks and Occasionally Meals are provided for the children.

  2. Workers/Teachers providing additional snacks must have approval from the Kid’s Minister prior to serving. 

  3. If your child has allergies, an allergy alert will be printed (identifying the type of allergy) on your child’s name tag.


Discipline and Classroom Management


Classroom Rules

  1. Obey the teacher

  2. Listen

  3. Be kind

  4. Be safe

  5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself


Playground Rules

  1. No running

  2. No screaming

  3. No climbing up the slide

  4. Obey the teacher(s)

  5. Have Fun


Preventative Actions

  1. Create a loving, caring atmosphere

  2. Establish and communicate realistic expectations

  3. Focus on positive actions

  4. Be fair and consistent


Corrective Actions

  1. Handle situations individually as much as possible.

  2. Give a warning when a child fails to follow the rules

  3. Remind the child of the rules

  4. Explain why the behavior is unacceptable

  5. Redirect the child to something positive

  6. Explain the consequences of unacceptable behavior by describing the correct way to behave.

  7. If a child repeats the action, guide him/her to a quiet place separate from the other children for a short, but designated period of time.

  8. After a third time, the child will be escorted to the Kid’s Minister for appropriate discipline and parental notification.


Aggressive Behavior

  1. Biting, hitting, pushing, scratching, or pulling are considered aggressive behaviors and will be addressed promptly.

  2. If a child displays any of these behaviors, he or she will be removed from the class and the parents will be notified.




Volunteer Acknowledgement Form


Volunteer Acknowledgement



The Oak View Kid’s Ministry Handbook/Policies & Procedures Manual contains important information about Oak View Baptist Church. I understand that I should consult the Kid’s Minister if I have any questions that are not answered in this handbook.

I also acknowledge that revisions to this handbook may occur at any time.

My signature below acknowledges that I have received and read this entire handbook/ manual. My signature also indicates that I agree to serve faithfully and to comply with and adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook/manual.




Signature                                                                                                      Date




Children’s Minister                                                                                                      Date

Address: 1004 S Story Rd, Irving, TX 75060

Email:  |  Tel: (972) 790-3629

All Contents copyright Oak View Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.

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